- ニネベのイサアク神秘論文集
[編集]- 翻訳
<< 人が心から神に近づくために役立つものは何であるか。助けが密かに近づくのはなぜであるか。人が謙虚さに近づくのは、どのような原因によって起こるか。>>
「神は心を砕かれて悔い改めた者を軽んじることはない」(詩篇 51:17)と言う。心が謙虚になるまで心の動揺から休まることはないであろう。
このことを知ると祈りは魂の宝となり、喜びから感謝の声へと祈りの調子が変わる。目的を持ってすべてのことを行った聖人の中の賢者、エヴァグリオス・ポンティコスは、「祈りは感謝をもたらす喜びである」と言う。 神の知識を得た後に行われるこの祈りについて彼はこう言っている、「この感謝の気持ちに取って代わる祈りでは、人は他の情熱的な祈りのように祈ったり行動したりせず、恵みを感じながら祈る。ひざまずいて静かにしているとき、その祈りには喜びと恍惚感に満ちた心の中に、しばしば感謝の気持ちが湧き起こる」。 すると神の恩恵を理解したことへの驚きによって動かされる内なる熱意のせいで、彼は突然声を上げて疲れることなく神を讃美し、同時に内なる熱意は舌でも感謝を述べることに場所を譲り、そして彼は長くそして驚くほどに[自分の感情を]語るであろう。これらのことをぼんやりとではなくはっきりと経験し、知性をもってそれに気づいた人は、それが変化なく起こると私が言うことを理解するであろう。なぜなら、それは何度も経験されているからである。さらに[そのような人]は無駄なことをやめて絶えず神と共にいて、神の助けとなる力の流れを失うことを恐れ、絶え間なく祈り続けるであろう。
これらすべての美しいものは、人が自分の弱さを認識することから生まれる。このことを通して人は助けを切望するために神に向かって懇願する。そして人が自分の精神を神に近づけると、神はその賜物をもってその人に近づく。そしてその大いなる謙遜さのゆえに神はその人から霊的賜物を取り去ることはないのである。というのは、やもめが裁判官に叫ぶようにその人は絶えず「私の敵に復讐してください」と叫んでいるからだ。それゆえ慈悲深い神は、その人に近づくためのより良い理由を与えるために、必然的にその人の嘆願を遅らせる。そしてその人は必要であるために、常に助けの泉のそばに留まる。神はその人の要求のいくつかはすぐに叶え、他のものは叶えない。[神は]それが人生に必要であると知っているものについては叶え、残りは遅らせる。そしてある場合には神は敵の熱意を抑え、またある場合には誘惑の機会を与える。これは私が言ったように彼が神に近づくきっかけとなり、試練によって彼は賢明になるはずである。そしてこれは聖書に書かれていることである。「主は多くの民を残しておかれたが、一度に滅ぼすことも、ヨシュアの手に渡すこともなかった。それはイスラエルの子孫の世代に教訓を学ばせるためであった。」(士師記 3:1-2)
これらすべてのことが起こるのは人間が謙虚になる動機を持つためであり、そうしなければ闘う者が苦しんでいる現在の事柄や、将来起こるであろう事柄に対する恐れを怠って眠ってしまうからである。したがって試練は必然的に人間にとって有益である。さて謙虚になる動機を持つために、悪い事柄を思い出すことで自分を謙虚にしようとして、自分の意志を悪い事柄に解き放つべきだとか、他の試練に急ぐべきだと言っているのではない。 しかし善行をすることとは別に、常に自分を奮い立たせ、自分が被造物であり、誘惑されやすい性質であることを覚えておくことは人間にとって美しいことである。そして被造物である者は誰でも外的な力、つまり助けを必要とする。そして外的な助けを必要とする者は、自分の本質に欠陥があることが明らかである。また自分に欠陥があることを知っている者は皆、それを与えることができる方から必要なものを受け取るために謙虚であることがふさわしいのである。
もし彼がこれらのことを初めからすべて知っていて、いつもそれに目を向けているならば彼は眠らないであろう。そして眠らないなら彼の警戒を脅かす力の手に引き渡されることはない。それゆえ神の道を歩む者には、自分に襲いかかるすべての悪について自分の魂を告白し、自分を責め、叱責することがふさわしいのである。それは自分の怠慢のため、支配者の命令を受けた誘惑者によって刺激されたか、または自分が高慢になったためであることを知っているからである。 したがって彼は飛び上がったり動揺したりしないし、悪を神のせいにせず自分の魂を静め、自分の悪が倍増しないようにするだろう。 神には不義はなく、反対に神は正義の源である。
- 英文テキスト
- Chapter 8
Blessed is the man who knows his weakness. This knowledge becomes for him the foundation and the beginning [of his coming] unto all good and beautiful things. When a man knows and perceives that he really and in truth is weak, then he restrains his soul from profuseness which is dissipation of knowledge and he will augment the mindfulness of his soul.
Unless a man has been remiss in some small thing and a slight negligence has appeared in him and tempters have surrounded him either with temptations that arouse bodily affections or with temptations which stir the affectable power of the soul, he cannot perceive his own weakness, Then, however, he recognizes the greatness of God's help by comparing it with his own weakness.
Thus if he sees that his heart does not rest from fear, even though he be provident and very cautious, withdrawing and hiding his soul in innumerable apartments and providing his soul with causes of trust, then he understands. and knows that this whole impulse of his heart denotes some other thing which is lacking and which is very necessary to him, viz. that he needs other help. For the heart testifies to [this] within, by the fear that moves in it, denoting the lack of something. And therefore he cannot remain in confidence. For the help of God is necessary for deliverance.
When he knows that he needs divine help, he will frequently pray. And by much beseeching the heart becomes humble. For there is no man who is needy and asking, without being humble.
And God will not despise a broken and contrite heart. Until the heart has become humble, it will not rest from distraction.
Humility restrains the heart. And as soon as man has become humble, mercy will surround and envelop him. And when mercy draws near, the heart will perceive help at once, because some confidence and force will also move in it. When it perceives that divine help approach unto it and that He is its support and its helper, then the heart will be filled with faith at once.
Then it will see and understand that prayer is the port of help, the fountain of salvation, the treasure of confidence, the sheet-anchor amidst the storms, the light in the darkness, the stick of the weak, the shelter at the time of temptations, the medicine at the time of illness, the shield of protection in the battle, the sharp arrow against the enemies.
And because by prayer he has found the entrance unto all this good, he will delight in prayer of faith for ever more, while his heart exults in confidence, not blindly and with words only, as it had been till then.
When he knows this, he possesses prayer as a treasure within his soul And from joy he changes the tenor of prayer into sounds of thanksgiving. And the following word has been said by the sage among the saints, Mar Euagrius, who did every thing which he did with a purpose: Prayer is a joy that gives place to thanksgivings. Concerning this prayer, which takes place after receiving the knowledge of God, he says: This prayer that gives place [to thanksgiving] , in which a man does not pray nor act as in the other passionate prayers which he prayed, perceiving grace, consists therein that in the heart, which is filled with joy and ecstasy, frequently emotions of thanksgiving" and gratitude stir themselves, in the silence of kneelings. Then, on account of the inner ardour, which is set in motion by wonder at the understanding of God's bounties, he will of a sudden raise up his voice and praise without being wearied, while the inner ardour gives place to thanksgivings also of the tongue; and so he will give utterance [to his feelings] long and wonderfully. Who has experienced these things clearly, not dimly, and has noted them with intelligence, will understand when I say that it occurs without variation, for it has been experienced many times. And furthermore [such a man] will leave idle things and be constantly with God, without a break, in constant prayer, fearing that he will be bereft of the current of its helping forces.
All these beautiful things are born from a man's perceiving his own weakness. For from this, because of his longing for help, he turns to God with beseechings. And as he brings near his spirit unto God, He comes nigh unto him with His gifts. And He does not take away from him His inspiration, because of his great humility. For as a widow unto the judge, he cries at all times: avenge me on my adversary. Therefore God, the merciful, necessarily will delay his petitions, that he have the better reason to approach unto Him. And because of his need he will constantly remain at the fountain of help, while God grants some of his demands quickly, others not: [He grants] those concerning which He knows that they are necessary for life, the rest He delays. And in some cases He withholds from him the ardour of his enemies, and in others He gives an opening to temptations, that this, as I have said, should be a cause for approaching unto God, and that he should become prudent by temptations. And this is what is said in the scripture: The Lord left many peoples and He did not destroy them at once, nor did He give them into the hand of Joshua, in order to test Israel by them.
As for the righteous who is not acquainted with his weakness, all his affairs are in peril. He is not far from falling, the destroying lion is not removed from him nor the demon of haughtiness. Who lacks knowledge of his weakness, lacks humility. Who lacks humility, lacks perfection. Who lacks perfection is still in a state of peril. And the enemy can attack him at every quarter, because his town is not fortified with iron bolts nor with a brazen lintel.
Neither is humility to be acquired except through the causes which bring about a continually broken heart and destroy the deliberations of presumption. Without humility the service of man cannot be sealed: the seal of the spirit has not yet been placed on the charter of his freedom, he is still a slave and his service cannot be established without his being made humble, neither can he acquire wisdom without temptations, neither can he reach humility without wisdom. Therefore God necessarily sends the saints things which cause humility and brokenness of heart and passionate prayer without distraction. Sometimes he afflicts them by accidents that arise from the natural affections or by transgressions arising from impure deliberations; sometimes by disdain or by idle oppressions which they have to endure from men, or by bodily pains; sometimes by poverty or need of necessary things; sometimes by vehement affections of fear in the open war of the demons which He allows in order to keep them continually in motion, or by terrible varying states of which one is still more strong and sorrowful and hard than the other.
All these things happen, that man should have a reason for being humble, lest he should sleep in neglect either of things present from which the struggler suffers, or of fear of things to be. Therefore temptations will necessarily be profitable unto men. Now I do not say, that, in order to have a cause of humility, he ought to let loose his will unto evil things, with the purpose of humbling himself by the recollection of them, or that he should hasten unto other temptations. But it is beautiful for him that, apart from his performing good works, he should constantly spur himself and remember that he is a creature and naturally prone to be seduced. And whosoever is a creature, requires an external power, viz. to help him. And he who requires external help, the deficiency of his own nature is manifest. And every one who knows that he is deficient, to him humility is becoming in order to receive what he needs from Him who is able to give it.
If he knows all these things from the beginning and looks to them at all times, he will not sleep. A nd if he does not sleep, he will not be delivered into the hand of the powers which endanger his vigilance. Therefore it is becoming for him that goes the way of God, that he confess and reproach and rebuke his soul for all [evils] that overtake him, knowing that either because of his negligence it is excited by the tempter by order of the Governor, or because he has exalted himself. Therefore he shall not leap up nor be shaken, but keep his soul quiet without accusation [of God], lest his evil be doubled. For there is not iniquity with God, on the contrary, He is the fountain of justice.
- 英文テキスト/終わり
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