


  • 木製
  • 康辨
  • 各長二尺六寸
  • 奈良市法相宗大本山興福寺藏


Wooden Images of Demons; Lamp-Stands (Riutôki and Tentôki).[編集]

  • By Kôben.
  • 2 feet 6 2/3 inches in height.
  • Owned by the temple Kôfukuji, Nara.
  • Collotype.

Unkei, the founder of Kamakura school of sculptors, was a man of exceptional genius and effected a great development in Buddhistic sculpture. Today after 700 years he still exercises a considerable influence through the numerous works left by his descendants, Tankei, Kôun, Kôben, Kôshô, Unga and Unjo, who were all excellent sculptors. But they were almost exclusively Buddhistic sculptors and had no time to devote to other fields.

The two lamp-stands here reproduced are by Kôben, the third son of Unkei. The design is very curious but the workmanship excellent, the faces and muscles being especially noteworthy. The legs are purposely short so as to be in proportion to the lamp. These images are striking examples of the style handed down by Unkei and now registered as national properties, their history being so certain and the workmanship so exquisite.


  • 田島志一編 『真美大観 第三册』 日本佛教眞美協會、1900年。