- Key to pronunciation
- Van
- Van, Lake
- Vanadinite
- Vanadium
- Van Bemmel, Eugene
- Van Beneden, Pierre Joseph
- Vanbrugh, Sir John
- Van Brunt, Henry
- Van Buren, Martin
- Van Buren, William Holme
- Vance, Zebulon Baird
- Van Cleve, John Smith
- Van Corlear, Arendt
- Van Cortlandt, Philip
- Van Cortlandt, Stephanus
- Vancouver (Canada)
- Vancouver (Wahington)
- Vancouver, George
- Vancouver Barracks
- Vancouver Island
- Vendôme, Louis Joseph
- Vendor's Lien
- Veneer
- .....
- Vermilion
- Vermilion Flycatcher
- Vermont
- Vermont, University of
- Vernal Grass
- Vernation
- Verne, Jules
- Verner, Karl Adolph
- Verner's Law
- Vernes, Maurice Louis
- Vernet
- Vernier
- Vernier, Pierre
- Vernon, Diana
- Vernon, Edward
- Vernon Gallery
- Vernon-Harcourt
- Verona
- Veronese
- Veronica
- Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin
- Verral, Arthur Woolgar
- Verrazano, Giovanni da
- Verres
- Verrill, Addison Emory
- Verrocchio, Andrea del
- Versailles
- Verschaffelt, Pieter Antonie (Pietro Flammingo)
- Versecz
- Versification
- Verstegan, Richard
- Versunkene Glocke, Die
- Vert
- Vertebra
- Vertebrata
- Vertigo
- Vertot, Gené Aubert
- Vertue, George
- Vertumnus
- Vervet
- Verviers
- Vervins
- Very, Jones
- Very Hard Cash
- Very Woman, A
- Vesalius, Andreas
- Vesey, Denmark
- Vesicant
- Vespasian (Titus Flavius Vespanius)
- Vespasian, Forum of
- Vespers
- Vesper Sparrow
- Vespucius, Americus
- Vest, George Graham
- Vesta
- Vested Right
- Vesteras
- Vestibule
- Vestigal or Rudimentary Structures
- Vestments, Sacred
- Vestris, Madame
- Vestry
- Vesuvianite, or Idocrase
- Vesuvius
- Veszprém
- Vētālapañcaviṁśati
- Vetancurt, Augustín de
- Vetch
- Vetch, Samuel
- Veteran Legion, Union
- Veteran Union, Union
- Veterinary Medicine
- Vétillart, Marie Michel Henri
- Vetiver
- Veto
- Vetter, Lake
- ...
- Vich
- Vichy
- Vicious Intromission
- Vicksburg
- Vicksburg, Campaign Against
- ...
- Villard, Henry
- Viracocha
- Virchow, Rudolf
- Vireo
- Virgil Practice Clavier
- Virgin
- Virginal
- Virginia (heroine)
- Virginia (State)
- Virginia, University of
- Virginia . . . Polytechnic Institute/
- Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
- Virginia City
- Virginia Creeper
- Virginia Military Institute
- Virginians, The
- Virginia Rail
- Virginia Snake-root
- Virginia Theological Seminary
- Virgin Islands
- Virginius
- ...
- Vivisection
- Vizagapatam
- Vizcacha
- Vizcaino, Sebastian
- Vizetelly, Henry Richard
- Vizianagram
- Vizier
- Vizzini
- Vlaardingen
- Vlacich
- Vladikavkaz
- Vladimir
- ...
- Vogel, Eduard
- ...
- Volhynia
- Volition
- Volk, Douglas
- Volkelt, Johannes Immanuel
- Volkmann, Richard von
- Volkmann, Robert
- Volkmann, Wilhelm Fridolin
- Vollmar, Georg Heinrich von
- Vollmöller, Karl
- ...
- Voss, Johann Heinrich
- Voss, Richard
- ...
- Vulcan
- Vulcanizing
- Vulcano
- Vulgate
- Vulned
- Vulpius, Christian August
- Vulture
- Wagram
- Wagtail
- Wah
- Wahabis
- Wahlberg, Alfred Leonard
- Wahlstatt
- Wahlverwandtschaften
- Wahnfried
- Wahoo
- Wahrmund, Adolf
- Waifs
- Waikato
- Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew
- Wainwright, Richard
- Waite, Morrison Remick
- Waits
- ...
- Walker
- Walker, Amasa
- Walker, Francis Amasa
- Walker, Frederick
- Walker, George
- ...
- Walpole, Sir Spencer
- Walpurga
- Walpurgisnacht
- Walrus
- Walsall
- Walsh, Robert
- Walsh, Thomas
- ...
- Washing Machines
- Washington (State)
- Washington (District of Columbia)
- Washington (Georgia)
- Washington (Indiana)
- Washington (Iowa)
- Washington (North Carolina)
- Washington (Pennsylvania)
- Washington, Fort
- Washington, Mount
- Washington, Treaty of
- Washington, University of
- Washington, Booker Taliaferro
- Washington, Bushrod
- Washington, George
- Washington, William Augustine
- Washington Agricultural College and School of Science
- Washington and Jefferson College
- Washington and Lee University
- Washington Barracks
- Washington Court House
- Washington Elm
- Washington Monument
- Washington University
- Washita
- ...
- Way, Arthur S.
- ...
- Webb, James Watson
- Webb, John Richmond
- Webb, Samuel Blatchley
- Webb, Sidney
- Webb, Thomas
- Webb, Thomas E.
- Webb City
- Webbe, William
- Webber, Charles Wilkins
- Weber, Albrecht
- Weber, Ernst Heinrich
- Weber, Georg
- Weber, Karl Julius
- Weber, Karl Maria von
- Weber, Max Maria von
- Weber, Theodor
- Weber, Wilhelm
- Weber's Law
- ...
- Weckerlin, Jean Baptiste Théodore
- Weckherlin, Georg Rudolph
- ...
- Weighing Machine
- Weight
- Weights and Measures
- Weigl, Joseph
- Wei-hei-wei
- Weil, Gustav
- Weil, Henri
- Weimar
- ...
- Weitling, Wilhelm
- ...
- Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb
- Weld
- .....
- Wellhausen, Julius
- Wellingborough
- Wellington (New Zealand)
- Wellington (Kansas)
- Wellington, Arthur Mellen
- Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
- Wellman, Walter
- Wells (Somerset)
- Wells
- Wells, Benjamin Willis
- Wells, Charles
- Wells, Charles J
- Wells, David Ames
- Wells, Henry Tanworth
- Wells, Herbert George
- Wells, Horace
- Wells, Sir Thomas Spencer
- Wells, Webster
- Wells, William Charles
- Wells College
- Whale
- Whaleback
- Whaleboat
- Whalebone
- ...
- Wheatley, Phillis
- Wheaton, Frank
- Wheaton, Henry
- ...
- Wheeler, William Adolphus
- Wheeler, William Almon
- Wheeling
- Wheel Lock
- Wheelock, Eleazar
- Wheelock, John
- Wheelwork
- Wheelwright, John
- Wheelwright, William
- Whelk
- Whetstone
- ...
- Whig and Tory
- Whig Party
- ...
- White, Edward Douglass
- ...
- White, Horace
- ...
- White Falcon, Order of the
- Whitefield, George
- Whitefish
- Whitefriars
- White Goat
- Whitehall
- ...
- Whitman
- Whitman, Charles Otis
- Whitman, Marcus
- Whitman, Sarah Helen Power
- Whitman, Walt
- Whitney, Adeline Dutton (Train)
- Whitney, Asa
- Whitney, Eli
- Whitney, James Amaziah
- Whitney, Josiah Dwight
- Whitney, Samuel Brenton
- Whitney, William Collins
- Whitney, William Dwight
- Whitney, Mount
- ...
- Whydah
- Whymper, Edward
- Whyte, Violet
- Whyte-Melville, George John
- Wichern, Johann Heinrich
- Wichert, Ernest
- ...
- Wiclif, John
- ...
- Wienbarg, Ludolf
- ...
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas
- ...
- Wild Goats, Sheep, and Ibexes
- ...
- Wilhelm, Karl
- ...
- Willard, Emma C.
- Willard, Frances Elizabeth
- Willard, Joseph
- Willard, Josiah Flynt
- Willard, Samuel
- ...
- Willmore, James Tibbits
- ...
- Willughby, Francis
- Wilmerding
- Wilmington (Delaware)
- Wilmington (North Carolina)
- Wilmington (Ohio)
- Wilmot, Alexander
- Wilmot, David
- Wilmot, Robert Duncan
- Wilmot Proviso
- Wilna, Rabbi Elias
- Wilson, Alexander
- ...
- Wilson, James Grant
- Wilson, John (scottish writer)
- ...
- Wilson, William
- ...
- Wilson, Woodrow
- ...
- Winifred, Saint
- Winkelmann, Eduard
- Winkelmann, Hermann
- ...
- Winsor, Justin
- ...
- Wirnt von Grafenberg
- Wirt, William
- Wisbech
- Wisby
- Wisby, Laws of
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin, University of
- Wisconsin River
- Wisdom, Book of
- Wise, Daniel
- Wise, Henry Alexander
- Wise, Henry Augustus
- Wise, Isaac Mayer
- ...
- Wislicenus, Gustav Adolf
- Wislicenus, Hermann
- Wislicenus, Johannes
- Wismar
- Wissmann, Hermann von
- Wissowa, Georg
- Wistar, Caspar
- Wistaria
- Wister, Annis Lee (Furness)
- Wister, Owen
- ...
- Wöhler, Friedrich
- ...
- Woodruff
- Woodruff, Wilford
- ...
- Woodworth, Samuel
- Woody Nightshade
- ...
- Wool
- Wool, Mineral
- Wool, John Ellis
- Woolwa
- Woolwich
- Woonsocket
- Woorali
- Wooster
- Wooster, David
- Worcester (Worcestershire)
- Worcester (Massachusetts)
- Worcester, Dean Conant
- Worcester, Edward Somerset, second Marquis of
- ...
- Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
- ...
- Württemberg
- Wurtz, Charles Adolphe
- Wurtzite
- Wurzbach, Alfred, von Tannenberg
- Wurzbach, Constant, von Tannenberg
- ...
- Wyndham, George
- Wyntoun, Andrew of
- Wyoming
- Wyoming, University of
- ...
- Yale, Elihu
- Yale, Linus
- Yale University
- Yalta
- Ya-lu-kiang
- Ya-lung-kiang
- Yam
- ...
- Yankee Doodle
- Yankton
- Yao
- Yapock
- Yapon
- Yapoo
- Yapurá
- ...
- Yeardley, or Yardley, Sir George
- Yeast, or Barm
- Yeast
- Yeats, William Butler
- Yecla
- Yedo, or Yeddo
- Yegoryevsk
- Yeisk
- Yekaterinburg
- Yekaterinodar
- Yekaterinoslav
- Yelansk
- ...
- Youmans, Edward Livingston
- Youmans, William Jay
- Young, Brigham
- ...
- Young Europe
- Young Germany
- Young Ireland
- Young Italy
- ...
- Yukon Gold-Fields
- Yukon River
- ...
- Yung Wing
- ...
- Zealot
- ...
- Zenobia
- ...
- Zerbst
- Zerda
- Zermatt
- Zero
- Zerrahn, Carl
- ...
- Zetterstedt, Johan Vilhelm
- Zetzsche, Karl Eduard
- ...
- Zirkel, Ferdinand
- Zirknitzer See
- Ziska, John
- ...
- Zola, Emile
- ...
- Zouaves
- Zrinyi, Miklós
- Zschokke, Heinrich
- ...
- Zumala-Cárreguy, Tomas
- Zumárraga, Juan de
- Zumbusch, Kaspar von
- Zumpango
- Zumpe, Hermann
- Zumpt, August Wilhelm
- ...
- Zweibrücken
- Zwickau
- Zwiedineck von Südenhorst, Hans
- Zwingli, Ulrich
- Zwirner, Ernst Friedrich
- Zwolle
- Zygophyllaceæ
- Zylonite
- Zymase
- Zymotic Disease
- Zyrians