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Mt. —一^ a::Candidate to represent ^ tlie Liberal[ジr Conservative] interests this town in Parliament You have all probably taken an opponu^ity to :study the address;which he. put fo.rth,.and therefore ! 2need not xead it now. * I i*nay**say,* however, that it seeitis to ;iyie striaightforyard and faiiV-.. .He. knows what we want,, ancl, gentlemen,.I think ;frotp what we know bf Mr; —'s opinions/ of* bis integrity and determination, that he is the man we want We wish to see -^...abolished, and a Bill for 二-二 introducied•.厂Mr. hそs nledged himsQlf to look after our. intcrcst|. in both these matters. Mr.-is a true Conservative [cr:Liberkl]; and.has.thc welfare: of the party: at heart.. Gentlemen, as Chainrian, 1 call upon you for a show of liands, and the expression of your wishes towards Mr.-, ■whom ! will, that you may. have; an opportunity to bear from his own mouth his sentiments and views upon the erreat topics of the clay. Any question you niay put, I am quite sure Mr.-will answer fully to your satisfaction. Qentlenien.,.1 nav.e the honour to introduce ito your:, notice Mr-——,as a fitting. and ン proper person to


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• • TT»_ .1:二-二八•、ふ-ノ. represent you in Parliciitieiiti "

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g-ri3_|xl i have taken an bpportunity •機會メを有す0 {t need.の次|こtoを匿かぬてと-1こもつて居方力rらてゞ斧'て 3 plead ged himself 固く 約し fc:o. 1 _ぺ ン"•;.-> I - /• .V:.



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